Gay Web Site Directory

GayDemon's Gay Links & Web Directory: here you can find our collection of links to favorite free gay sites, resources and blogs.

Gay Dating Sites

Dating sites and Apps for when you want to hookup or find a date with a hot guy.

Gay Blogs & News

LGBTQ news, queer information and latest gossip to keep you busy.

Gay Shopping Sites

Looking for gay sex toys to spice up your sex life or some new gear?

Male Escort Sites

Want a man but not the hassle of a date? Find a rentboy or a male escort to hire.

Gay Celebrity Blogs

Hottest male celebrities and famous actors, nude!

Gay Sex Sites

Great sites to check out for some free, high-quality hardcore gay porn.

Gay Fetish & BDSM

A selection of interesting fetish and BDSM sites to visit.

Gay Cartoon Sites

Comics, hentai and gay adult games to play online.

Live Gay Cams

Watch live sex and hot guys performing on web cam that you can chat with.

Naked Men & Hot Guys

Hot guys, naked men, muscle hunks and college jocks to enjoy nude.

Twinks Sites

Want to see good looking young men and cute gay boys (18+)?

Queer Resources

Links to gay and queer resources, information and forums.

Suggest a Site

Want to get a site listed here? Click here to suggest a site!

About Directory

Online since 1999, GayDemon Directory offers a listing with links to the best gay web sites. This section is a carefully edited index of links to gay porn sites, resources and blogs. GayDemon's web site directory is the oldest part of the site, here I have over many years added relevant good sites and checked on submissions from site owners and webmasters. However as social media has become more popular, there is less and less interesting gay sites available every year. To keep the directory alive I encourage you to send me suggestions of sites that should be included here. You can also add your own site here by registering.

Legal stuff

GayDemon will never link to sites with men under the age of 18. The aim is to list only gay porn sites that are legal and safe to visit. To safeguard our users we continuously verify all links using Google's Safebrowsing database, automatically blocking inappropriate or unsafe links.